Shamrock Shake

Shamrock Shake Ingredients:

  • 1 frozen banana (or 1/2 cup ice cream)
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 tsp mint extract (or fresh mint leaves)
  • 1 tbl of any PINES Green Superfood

Most people do not eat enough dark green, leafy vegetables

Make a batch of Shamrock Shakes this Saint Patricks Day. Studies indicate that 9 out of 10 people do not eat enough vegetables. Because of that, they lack the health protection that green foods provide. Adding a rounded teaspoon of any Pines’ green superfood to a shake or smoothie is easy and increases your daily servings of nutrient-dense vegetables. That is exactly what is missing from most diets.  Pines greens are also available in tablets and capsules.  All our products are convenient and economical ways to add more green to the diet. Unlike juice, which is no longer considered to be a good food choice, our whole food nutrient-dense products are prebiotic and support health bacteria in the colon.


The CDC discoverd that 9 out of 10 Americans don’t eat enough dark green veggies

Avoid green superfood blended powder mixtures

Every food preparation person deserves to see, touch and examine each ingredient for aroma and color as well as taste. With a blend, you cannot do that. Further, you may not be receiving the nutrition you need. For example, it is easy for a buyer to cover up poorly-colored wheatgrass with dark colored powders such as chocolate or algae.  Whether making a Shamrock Shake or just taking Pines in tablets or capsules, you deserve the darkest green, freshest green superfood possible.


Why trust a buyer, who is looking for the cheapest ingredients possible, to determine the ingredients is in your green superfood? That buyer likely sits in an office in some big city completely removed from farming. Dealing with suppliers from dozens of locations throughout the world, the buyer decides what you should eat!

The situation is different with Pines. We produce single ingredient products and very simple blends. We grow nearly all our own ingredients on our own 100% certified organic family farms. In fact, one of our fields is just across the road from where we bottle and ship!

Avoid Green Powders in a Plastic Containers or Packets

From 1937 until recently, all green superfood powders were packaged in amber glass bottles with special metal caps so that the oxygen could be removed. That safeguard is very important. Charles Schnabel and other scientists discovered that oxidation devitalizes greens in plastic containers, bags or packets.  It was Dr. Schnabel’s research that inspired Ann Wigmore and other authors. Consequently, for more than 40 years, Pines has followed that appropriate packaging standard developed by Schnabel. Because of the special caps, you can tightly seal the bottles between uses. That results in the freshest and most vibrant ingredients for your recipes.


Vegetable/Fruit blends and “meals” in plastic tubs are usually made up of poor quality ingredients. The cheap tubs are squat shaped and usually only about half full. Most of the alfalfa, wheatgrass and other cereal grasses comes from animal feed dehydrators built for the factory-farming, confined-animal, industrialized meat industry. This gives the illusion of being a good value, when in fact on a nutrient per gram basis, Pines green superfoods in Shamrock Shakes and other juices and smoothies contain more than twice the nutritional value as products in plastic tubs or packets.

Pines' Shamrock Shakes are like Comparing Wine to Kool Aid

The only difference in that comparison is that unlike Kool Aid that costs much less than wine, Pines actually provides more nutrition per spoonful for less cost than the cheap imitations. Besides our appropriate packaging, for more than 40 years, we have harvested our greens at the peak of nutrition. All are certified organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher, vegan, raw and gluten free. Besides shakes for penguins and humans on a cold winter’s day, you will find many other recipes in this section of our website. Pines was the original green superfood company whose mission has been not only to provide the best possible green superfoods but to serve humanity.  Green superfoods from Pines are available at quality natural food stores or from our online shopping cart on this website.


Pines green superfoods are like fine wine!

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