Detox?  Will Pines Green Superfoods Help Remove Toxins from Your Body?

Detox? Will Pines Green Superfoods Help Remove Toxins from Your Body?

Many people claim that chlorophyll-rich foods help detox the body. Research seems to support that claim as long as you use whole food veggies and not juices. Certainly, an extensive body of evidence shows chlorophyll has anti-bacterial and deodorizing properties. In fact, publication of chlorophyll research in the mid -20th Century was mainstream news. Dozens of chlorophyll products came onto the market to prevent bad breath, including mouthwashes, gums, toothpastes, etc. Thus, it is firmly established that chlorophyll-rich foods deodorize, but do they also detox?

Do Dark Green Foods Detox and Help Sick People?

my plate - fixed left

It may not be they detox, but we do know that they help prevent disease.  According to research Centers for Disease Control those who eat lots of them receive protection. They are less likely to develop degenerative disease.  Yet, they found that only 10% of people eat enough of them to prevent disease. That's why the USDA now recommends in their My Plate graphic that we eat more veggies than other foods.  Some say dark green vegetables can help you get well.  At least as far as the CDC is concerned, they certainly help you from getting sick in the first place.

Research with Wheatgrass and Other Cereal Grasses

This book details studies on cereal grass and other green foods with a 133 item bibliography. It is free to read online.In addition to the research on chlorophyll itself, scientists studied certain foods. Hospitals and doctors studied wholefood wheatgrass and other wholefood chlorophyll-rich cereal grasses and alfalfa powders. Some of their results may be related to detox qualities. Their research was later discussed in books about wheatgrass by Ann Wigmore, Viktoras Kulvinskas and other authors.

The book shown to the left contains a summary of the research on cereal grass and a 133-item bibliography.  You can read it for free online.

In addition to this medical research, several studies used wholefood wheatgrass powders for removing odors. One involved adding dehydrated whole food cereal grass to  diets of senior citizens. Homes for seniors claimed adding this chlorophyll-rich addition reduced "bowel odor.” Another study regarded female dogs. It showed they produced less of the odors that attracted male dogs when regularly fed cereal grass. Nowadays, many animal lovers routinely feed Pines Wheat Grass because that see the effects on the animal's health.  Do any of these studies prove eating more greens results in detox?  The jury continues to be out on that claim.

Prebiotic Foods May Be Better for Detox than Juices

Published before the popularity of juices, Reuben's message about fiber became lost until recently.

More than chlorophyll in the cereal grass reduced  bowel odor and caused male dogs to not be notice. Recent information regarding "prebiotic foods" indicates prebiotic qualities of cereal grass may the reason. The combination of chlorophyll and fiber may be what caused the bowels to become less toxic.

Prebiotic foods are those that create a healthy environment for probiotics. Probiotics are the "friendly" bacteria essential for colon health. Recent understanding of the nature of prebiotic foods indicates that reason for reduced bowel odor. That's because wholefood wheatgrass powder and othe leafy veggies are excellent prebiotic foods. Clearly, juice is not enough. We also need the fiber.  Whole foods are making a comeback and smoothies are replacing juices because smoothies are prebiotic and juices are not.

David Reuban published his popular book, The Save Your Life Diet, before the popularity of juices and juices machines.  His message about eating more natural whole foods became lost until recently.

Both Fiber and Chlorophyll Seem Important for Detox

veggie - white rightAlthough many fiber-rich foods are considered prebiotic, dark green, leafy vegetables are near the top of everyone's list. Some of our grandparents and great grandparents also recognized the importance of eating greens. They kept telling us to eat greens for "roughage." They knew by instinct these resulted proper bowel function. The combination of chlorophyll and fiber creates the media needed for probiotic bacteria. Most doctors and other health authorities now agree we need whole food veggies. Whole food veggies result in a healthy, functioning colon.  It seems clear that plenty of chlorophyll and fiber prevent and removing toxins from the body through the colon,

The darker green the food, the more chlorophyll it contains. Other animals use wholefood dark green leafy vegetables with their gentle vegetable fiber a staple in their diets. In fact, all other primates and most other mammals thrive on dark green food. Even carnivorous mammals such as cats and dogs depend on a certain amount of grass in their diets. Contrary to popular belief, dogs and cats don't eat grass only when they are sick. They also eat grass to keep from getting sick!

Mix with Smoothies for More Whole Food Veggies

smoothie - left white It is easy to add a spoonful of one of Pines' green superfoods to a smoothie. The tablets and capsules are even easier.

Back to the question, Do such foods as wheatgrass and alfalfa from Pines detox? These foods provide much more chlorophyll than other leafy green vegetables. Thus, if whole food leafy green vegetables help remove toxins, Pines' green superfoods are even better. That's becaue they contain considerably more chlorophyll than other green vegetables. Our whole food versions also provide prebiotic fiber for colon health.

As mention the U.S government itself believes in the health-giving and health-protective benefits of prebiotic dark green leafy vegetables. That's why the USDA says we should make veggies the most abundant food in our diets. They say eating more vegetables prevents disease and lets us live longer. Thus, it seems likely that whole food green vegetables must have the ability to remove toxins. That could be the reason for increased health and longevity. Certainly, the ability of a body to prevent and remove toxins might be essential to disease prevention.  Many doctors believe toxins weaken the immune system. That can lead to chronic disease conditions.

We Have Opposed Farm Poisons More Than 40 Years

When are fields are near roads, we leave a wide buffer strip and a reminder to road crews that they agreed not to spray their right of way. Some of our fields are next to roads. Wee leave a wide buffer strip and a reminder to road crews.  They all agreed to not spray their right of way next to our fields.

Unfortunately, some toxins enter our bodies through vegetables themselves. Some farmers use poisons to grow them.

That's why many people depend on Pines products. They don't want poison residue in their dark green vegetable intake. For more more than 40 years, Pines has provided organic leadership. We have set an example for organic farming.

The USDA certified Pines International as organic since the program began in 1990. Further, we grew our products organically long before the certification program.

All our green superfoods are also Non-GMO Project Verified, including our alfalfa. Currently our Non-GMO Project Verified whole food alfalfa for humans is the only one available. At Pines, we are committed to helping people remove toxins from their body. We do not want to add them to anyone's diet!

Juice Does Not Promote Probiotic Bacteria & Colon Health

Although we also provide powder that is made from juice, we recommend our prebiotic whole food powders. Although we also provide powder that is made from juice, we recommend our prebiotic whole food powders. Shown here is wheat grass being harvested.  It never touches the ground and is dried within an hour of harvest.

We need to understanding prebiotic foods and their possible detox effects. Not only do we need to avoid foods grown with toxins, we need to avoid too much juice. Pines has produced wheatgrass juice powder for more than 30 years. Yet, we have always put the emphasis on our whole food powders. That’s because in order to achieve the probiotic effect of dark green, leafy vegetables, they must be wholefoods, not juices. Juices are not prebiotic!

Certainly juices are quickly absorbed, but without fiber, they do not thoroughly absorbed. For that veggies must be prebiotic. Only prebiotic greens offer the detoxifying effect of dark green roughage with fiber for the colon. Most nutritional authorities now recommend limiting the amount of extracted juice or juice powders from the diet. That's because wholevfoods provide essential fiber and are thus prebiotic. The most natural fiber for mammals is vegetable fiber, such as that found in Pines' wholefood green superfood products.

Juices are Glycemic as Well as Not Good for Colon Health

Converting whole foods to juices causes them to lose their prebiotic ability when the fiber is stripped away. Further, juices also tend to have a much higher glycemic index than the wholefoods that are used for their extraction. That can cause blood glucose levels to rise. Wholefood fruits and vegetables actually help prevent diabetes because they require more time for digestion.  Whole foods take more time to transit through the intestines and are better absorbed. On the other hand, juices can actually create blood sugar spikes because of their rapid absorption. This certainly makes sense from a natural point of view. Obviously, our bodies were designed to digest whole foods not juices. Our ancestors did not have access to juice machines!

Add a Pines Wheat Grass Tablet to a little water. It instantly turns dark green. Keep adding a few drops of water and in about ten minutes it swells to 12 times its original size. That shows how the fiber creates bulk in the diet for probiotic bacteria to grow.

To see the effect of fiber, add a teaspoon of water to a Pines Wheat Grass tablet on a plate. Then, watch what happens during the next 30 minutes. A tablet swells to 12 times its size. The same expansion is true with Pines wholefood green superfood powders. Fiber-rich, dark-green, leafy vegetables are exactly what is lacking in most “modern” diets. Such roughage foods along with the chlorophyll in them are necessary for proper colon function. That prevents toxic build up in the colon.

Add a Pines Wheat Grass Tablet to a little water. It instantly turns dark green. Keep adding a few drops of water and in about thirty minutes it swells to 12 times its original size. That shows how the fiber creates bulk in the diet for probiotic bacteria to grow.

Cows Can Digest Cellulose and Humans Cannot


We sometime hear the mistaken idea that people should only use wheatgrass juice. They claim that's true because only cows can digest cellulose fiber.

Yes, it is true that only ruminant animals like cows can digest cellulose. The reason for fiber in the human diet has nothing to do with it being digested. Even though cellulose fiber in food does not digest, it provides roughage for normal bowel function.  Again, it is fiber that makes a food prebiotic.

Wholefoods with fiber provide the prebiotics needed by healthy probiotic bacteria. Fiber provides volume to the food for better digestion and absorption in the small intestine. Further, it also provides a consistency that keeps the colon functioning as it should. That way, probiotic bacteria can grow and the colon can remove toxins.

The idea that only cows should eat fiber-rich foods and that we should only use juice is incorrect. If humans could not digest food containing cellulose fiber, we would need to juice all vegetables and fruits. We would need to figure out how to remove all the cellulose fiber from other prebiotic foods. Those include nuts, grains and beans! Some people think the only path for detox is through juices, but the reverse may be true. If we ate diets of only juices, without plant fiber, our colons would shrink. Further, our bodies would become even more toxic.

Over Processing and Plastic Make Greens Not So Green

The main reason the industry recognizes Pines as the best quality supplier of green superfoods concerns the color of our ingredients. Pines produces beautiful ingredients compared to those from China or from the other Kansas grower. Located for more than 70 years in a dry region of Kansas, this other grower helped deplete and contaminate the once-pristine water of the Ogallala Aquifer. This aquifer took tens of thousands of years to accumulate and in less than 100 years it is depleted and poisoned. Instead of being 100% organic like Pines, their more than 70 years of farming involved growing irrigated, pesticide-based animal feed mostly for the meat industry. Pines does not use irrigation, grows only organic human food and depends on natural rainfall by growing crops properly only in appropriate locations. Oxidation is no friend of greens. This picture shows how over processing and packaging in plastic tubs makes "greens" lose color. Further, plastic leaves a massive carbon footprint. . It is made from fossil fuel instead of the early-friendly oxygen-free glass used by Pines.

Another recent foolish idea also has its basis in the belief that fiber makes food indigestible." This new absurd idea is to mill wholefood green powder so fine that it mixes like a juice. It is true that such finely milled green superfood powder still provides fiber. The problem is the fine particle size lowers nutritional content. That’s because the finer any green superfood powder is milled, more surface area is available for oxidation. Oxidation deteriorates and devitalizes food, estpeically greens..

Even worse, such finely milled products are often sold in plastic tubs or paper packets. The product has also lost nutritional value from inadequate packaging. Plastic containers are bad enough. Milling to a fine powder just makes matters worse. Pines powders are milled much finer than one could ever chew a vegetable. They mix very well with liquid. Milling them even finer would be a major disservice to our customers.

Toxins Leach into Greens Plastic Made from Fossil Fuel


The picture on the right shows a Pines team member loading our vacuum chamber with bottles. We vacuum out the air in the bottles and replace it with an atmosphere that does not contain oxygen. Our amber glass bottles with the oxygen removed keeps the product fresh. It prevents oxidation between the time of packaging and when you open the bottle. Even after opening, our metal caps with tight-fitting seals keep the greens fresh and vibrant for months after opening. We grow our cereal grasses and alfalfa using the 1937 standards by Charles Schnabel. He is known as the father of wheatgrass. We treat our greens with love by not over-milling them and by using inappropriate packaging. That is why Pines superfoods are much greener that those finely milled and cheaply packaged.

A Healthy Colon is the Key to Detox

Toxins leave the body by way of the skin, breath, bladder and bowel. A healthy colon is the key to removing the largest amount of toxins from the body. There is truth to the adage, "being green inside is being clean inside". We need to replace processed low fiber foods and juices with nutritious chlorophyll-rich whole foods.  Eating plenty of whole food greens results in less toxins and better health. Over-processing of green super foods by juicing or over-milling into devitalizes them. Oxidation and removal of fiber results in a less effective product.

For more than 40 years, Pines green super foods provide the best value. They also cost less and are easy to use.  They are a great way to increase the dark green leafy vegetable nutrition in your diet. Green leafy vegetables as whole foods prevent toxic build up in the colon.  Certainly, it may be possible to detox by eating a diet rich in whole food, dark green leafy veggies like the greens from Pines.

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Delicious Living magazine announced Pines won the 2017 Delicious Living Supplement Award. They noted that Pines offers the highest quality, purity, efficacy & innovation of any superfood. Delicious Living magazine announced Pines won the 2017 Supplement Award. They noted that Pines offers the highest quality, purity, efficacy & innovation of any superfood. Please use our store locator to find a location near you or feel free to order online.

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