Hummus Sauce with Veggie Salad

½ cup hummus (homemade or store bought)

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

½ teaspoon dried parsley 

1 teaspoon Pines WheatGrass powder (or any variety of Pines cereal grass powders) 

3-5 tablespoons water or almond milk (add a tablespoon at a time until desired thickness)

Mix everything together until a creamy sauce is ready to be drizzled over any bowl! Use any variety of chopped veggies and nutritious grains, such as cherry tomatoes, chopped, roasted beats, steamed edamame and purple sticky rice. 

For homemade hummus:

1 15 oz can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

¼ cup tahini

½ a lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste

hummis wheatgrass recipe

1 teaspoon garlic powder

Blend everything until dreamy, add in more tahini if needed to make it creamier

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