Vision Carried on by the Superheroes - Wheatgrass Willie and Alfalfa Allie

The Green Duo Superheroes came to our planet to carry on Charles Schnabel's vision. Dr. Schnabel dedicated his life to discovering the health benefits and the best way to grow, harvest and package alfalfa, wheatgrass and other cereal grasses. His research began in 1930 and continued until his death in 1974.

For More than 40 Years, Pines Has Supported Dr. Schnabel's Vision

lab collage - right Those who introduced Pines Wheat Grass in 1976 were so inspired by Dr. Schnabel's discoveries that they carried on his passion.  Pines soon purchased one of Schnabel's laboratories and other facilities he used.  We also acquired many of the same fields of glacial soil where he grew the whole food cereal grass Schnabel he supplied for the extensive body of research that became the scientific basis for the use of wheatgrass by Ann Wigmore, Viktoras Kulvinskas and Steve Meyerowitz.  In fact, Meyerowitz dedicated his popular wheatgrass book to Dr. Schnabel and called him, "The Father of Wheatgrass." Pines follows Dr. Schnabel's standards for how to grow wheatgrass.  Schnabel never grew his wheatgrass in trays. In fact he never used his wheatgrass for juice.  Instead, the product used for the research praised by Ann Wigmore and other authors was grown naturally outdoors.  As Pines still does today, Schnabel grew his grasses through often freezing winter temperatures.  He discovered the correct time to harvest in the early spring at a special, once-a-year time called "the jointing stage.

Eat More Organic Greens and Avoid GMOs

my plate - fixed rightAlthough Dr. Schnabel's work led to a greater emphasis on eating more greens, many people today still fail to eat enough vegetables.  That's why the USDA recommends that veggies as our main source of food.  But just as important, we need to seek our foods that are not contaminated with farm poisons.  Many people are now eating too many foods with GMO ingredients. Such foods are contaminated with unprecedented high levels of herbicide and pesticide residue.  Pines is the only 100% organic producer of whole food wheatgrass, alfalfa and other cereal grasses.  That's because we have farmed organically for nearly half a century and have never used poisons from Monsanto and the other chemical companies.  Nearly 20 thousand  people follow our Facebook Page that seeks to educate about GMO dangers. Each year, we make substantial contributions to support organic farming.

 Superheroes Continue the Vision

Green Duo for Website
The Green Duo has teamed up with Pines to encourage children of all ages to support Dr. Schnabel's vision to eat more green vegetables. Further, the Superheroes are taking a stand against GMO ingredients and are speaking out against the use of plastic to package dark green, vegetable powders.
Schnabel packaged his product in amber glass bottles with special metal caps and removed the oxygen to prevent the devitalizing effects of oxidation that occurs with green super foods packaged in plastic.  Pines is the only company to continue this oxygen-free packaging standard and all other standards Dr. Schnabel established.

Find a Store Near You or Order Online

No matter how many vegetables you eat, you probably may need to eat more.  That's why Pines offers low cost and easy ways to eat more greens.  Add our powders to water, smoothies or juice.  Use our tablets and capsules for a quick way to increase greens in your diet.  Please use our store locator to find a location near you where you can buy Pines nutrient-dense products in oxygen-free, amber glass bottles or feel free to order online.