Pigments make PINES is the Greenest Super Food and Thus the Most Potent

Pigments make PINES is the Greenest Super Food and Thus the Most Potent

The pigments in dark colored fruits and vegetables represent powerful antioxidants. To increase them in your diet, it is wise to use darkly-pigmented, organically-grown super food powders such as Pines Wheat Grass.  Add them to water, juices, smoothies and other recipes. You can also increase our greens with our easy-to-use and low-cost tablets and capsules.

The Vibrancy of the Pigments Indicate the Antioxidant Qualities

Just because a green super food blend claims to contain wheatgrass powder doesn't mean the wheatgrass compares favorably to Pines.  Pines harvests at just the right time, which is earlier than growers who want larger yields.  Our quality has remained unsurpassed since we brought wheatgrass into the national consciousness in 1976. Although you could pay for a lab analysis on all eight powders in the picture, it is not be necessary.  A vibrant green color indicates quality. You can easily see which one  of the eight powders has the highest antioxidant value.  The vibrancy of the pigments makes it clear that Pines has much more food value. Chlorophyll is one of the green pigments in leafy vegetables. It is chlorophyll that provides most of the antioxidant value in veggies. The deeper and more vibrant the green color, the more antioxidants are in the vegetable. In the picture above, Pines Wheat Grass is the vibrant green one. The other seven samples are all popular products that claim to be as good as Pines Wheat Grass. The other seven colors are not as bright green as Pines. That's because the grower waited too long to harvest and/or packaged in plastic tubs or packets.  Products packaged inappropriately quickly lose value.

Packing in Plastic Shows a Lack of Concern for Quality

for website two - fixed right Even if a product is as good as Pines, if packaged in plastic, it lost value. It many cases, it lost value even before packaging. If a company puts a green super food in plastic, they don't have a high opinion of it. Pines' commitment is to quality. We never grow our products unnaturally indoors in trays.  Instead, we grow them as nature intends through the cold of winter. We harvest at their peak, which lasts only a couple of days in the early spring. As soon we dry our wheatgrass, we put it into frozen storage. That prevents nutrition loss. Then, after later removing it from the freezer, Pines  packages to prevents nutrition loss. For more than 80 years, quality green super foods always packaged in amber glass bottles with special metal caps. Those containers allow the company to remove the oxygen. Without oxygen, loss of nutrition does not occur. Plastic tubs and paper, plastic or foil packets are not appropriate for green super foods because oxygen cannot be removed. Only Pines harvests at the correct time.  We store the dried product in freezers and package in oxygen-free amber glass bottles. This safeguard prevents outside air and humidity from devitalizing the wheatgrass. That’s why Pines Wheat Grass has the most vibrant green color of any popular product. It is also why it has the highest antioxidant value.

The Tricks Plastic Tub Brands Use to Fool the Consumer

 bottles tubs - right

Companies easily deceived consumers with the shape of those plastic tubs. Manufacturers design cheap plastic containers to give the illusion that the are large when they are not. Further, many plastic tubs are only about half full. The picture to the left shows a plastic tub that looks bigger than our glass bottle.  Yet it contains only 7.4 ounces while Pines contains 10 ounces. When you look at the color and cost per ounce, clearly you are paying more for an inferior product. The truth is Pines Wheat Grass is very competitive in price. Moreover, when you consider the higher antioxidant level, Pines' products actually cost much less because they are a better value.   A serving of Pines Wheat Grass is equal nutritionally to a $1.33 serving of spinach. Yet, it can cost as little as 25 cents. Thus, Pines Wheat Grass and other Pines' products are great values . They are less expensive and more effective ways to  can help increase  the green in diet We can and should recycle plastic tubs, but most consumers don't recycle.  Thus, when we support the success of these companies, we contribute to the plastic pollution by those who don't recycle.

Recycling Plastic Tubs Only Encourages Companies to Continue Using Plastic

In other words, even if we recycle, we may be supporting pollution. Because most people do not recycle, rven if we do recycle, supportng plastic products increases plastic pollution. By supporting brands packaged in plastic, we encourage shards of plastic in our landfills, streams and oceans. These shards slowly decompose releasing their petrochemical toxins into our soils and water. Meanwhile, animals often mistake plastic shards for food and die eating them. Often they also kill their young by feeding the shards to their babies. When you choose Pines Wheat Grass and other Pines' products you are not only choosing the most nutritious, freshest, greenest products at the best value for yourself and your family, you are also making a choice that helps to reduce the plastic pollution on our planet. We hope all people will protect their health by eating more green veggies. Please visit our store locator or order online.

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