Instagram user @fightfitnessllc.sbw is a certified and licensed personal trainer. He trains models, dancers, bodybuilders, boxers and martial arts athletes. He took this picture and said the following about his high school friend, who is the popular novelist E.G. Weeks. Her books are available on Amazon:
Novelist Eats Right with Plenty of Greens
"Instagram user @authoregweeks is an author, novelist, educator, mom and a friend of mine since high school. She keeps her blood pressure and cholesterol in check with fresh veggies, fruit, freshly-caught fish and salads. She also supplements her meals with Pines International's Green Duo, from the @wheatgrass_people. Health and wellness are paramount for her, her family and her students. She is an example of an intelligent person who makes intelligent nutritional choices."
Nine of Ten Americans Need More Greens
Research by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) became the basis of recommendations by the USDA through their MyPlate program. A major recommendation is that everyone needs to consume at least several cups of chopped dark green, leafy vegetables each week. That's because the CDC discovered that only 10% of the US population eat enough fruits and vegetables. Their research concluded that those foods protect us from diet-related diseases that are epidemic in America.
Pines produces a full line of dark green leafy vegetable powders. Each one serves the same purpose of increasing the dark green, leafy vegetables in your diet. Many are available at your local natural food store, and all are available online.Pines is the Original Green Superfood Company
Pines is the original green superfood company. Our first product, Pines Wheat Grass, was introduced in 1976. Since then, many companies have tried to capitalize on our success. They often copy our message but most don't copy our quality standards!
Pines is the only green superfood producer to follow the standards that came out of the research by Charles Schnabel and other scientists. After extensive research, they tested their cereal grass product on animals. The results were spectacular. They then produced a product for humans. In order to see if it was as effective, they provided wheatgrass powder to doctors and hospitals. That resulted in a phenomenal body of research that was discussed and cited in bibliographies by noted authors. Ann Wigmore, Viktoras Kulvinskas and Steve Meyerowitz used Schnabel's research as the basis for the use of wheatgrass as a food. Meyerowitz dedicated his popular wheatgrass book to Schnabel, calling him "the father of wheatgrass."
Carefully Following Scientific Standards Since 1976
Pines follows all of the scientists' growing and harvesting standards. We also still operate one of the laboratories used by them. In addition, Pines still utilizes many of their same fields. Further, Pines is the only company to follow their packaging standards.
That means we only use amber glass bottles with special metal caps. As a result, we can remove the oxygen from each bottle. Without oxygen, wheatgrass and other nutrient-dense greens stay as fresh as the day they were bottled. After opening, the tight fitting caps allow the consumer completely seal the contents between uses.
In an effort to cut costs and increase profits at the consumer's expense, most other companies do not follow the growing and harvesting standards established by Schnabel and the other scientists. Further, many package in cheap plastic tubs and packets. That kind of packaging does not provide protection against oxidation. As a result, such products are devitalized even before you purchase them.
We invite you to try any of Pines products to increase your dark green, leafy vegetable nutrition. Please use our store locator to find a store near you or use our online shopping cart for a complete selection of green superfoods from Pines with up to 40% off the suggested retail price.