Cerophyl Website Details Pines' Predecessor Product

Cerophyl Website Details Pines' Predecessor Product

A new website tells the story of cereal grass research and a product that led to Pines Wheat Grass. After years of study, Dr. Charles Schnabel developed Cerophyl as the world's first vitamin product in 1937. Dr. Schnabel's study of wheatgrass and other grasses took place during the same era as vitamin discovery.

Schnabel's Research and Cerophyl made him "The Father of Wheatgrass"

As the protocol for each new vitamin became known, Dr. Schnabel tested cereal grass to see what level it contained. In nearly every case, he found that cereal grasses such as wheatgrass contained more of the vitamin than any other veggies.

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Cerophyl was popular long before synthetic vitamins. When they came on the market, consumers could take only one pill to receive their minimum daily requirement. Instead, with Cerophyl, people needed to take 20 Cerophyl tablets to receive their daily vitamins.

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Although Pines Wheat Grass is just as high in vitamins as Dr. Schnabel's Cerophyl, in 1976, Pines International introduced its wheatgrass, not as a vitamin, but as a nutrient dense dark green leafy vegetable that costs less and an easy way to increase the those kinds of foods in the modern diet. The Centers for Disease Control found that dark green leafy vegetables are very deficient in most diets. Further, they found plenty of veggies in the diet prevent many diseases.

The World's First Vitamin

While Schnabel research cereal grass, the media covered discoveries of vitamins by other scientists. As they found each new vitamin, Schnabel found that cereal grass had a higher level of them than other vegetables.  He developed Cerophyl a a vitamin food. Twenty tablets per day provided the minimum daily requirement.  The popularity of Cerophyl continued for several decades until One-A-Day Vitamins. This new brand promised all the known vitamins in synthetic form with only one tablet per day.  Pines brought Cerophyl back on the market in 1976 as a leafy green vegetable called Pines Wheat Grass.

wheat field with bottles To learn more about Dr. Schnabel and the history of Cerophyl, please follow this link.

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The USDA says that 9 out of 10 people do not eat enough veggies.  Pines offer servings that are easy to consume and that cost considerably less per serving than other greens.  You can find Pines' green superfoods at a store near you with our locator.  You can also use our online shopping cart.

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