Bestselling Author Depends on Pines Wheat Grass

Bestselling Author Depends on Pines Wheat Grass

Maria Liberati is the winner of the Gourmet World Cookbook Award. She is the author of the bestselling book, "The Basic Art of Italian Cooking." She is also a fan of Pines Wheat Grass. "....I love the product. It has me 'addicted' to it. My habit is to take the tablets every day.  With travel for work, I am always busy and on the go, so this is a great tonic. I love the health benefits of the product and especially the quality. That's because I always look for high quality ingredients for everything I do.  It is great to know that Pines takes much care in growing this product and packing it in glass."

About This Bestselling Author

As a former global super model, Maria Liberati never dreamed that she would go from fashion diva to a domestic diva. Ironically, while jet setting off to modeling jobs around the world, Maria became closer to a simple life. She returned to the food in the country setting of her family’s vineyard in the mountains of central Italy. She began to experience the real tastes of food that she knew from her childhood. An Award Winning  cookbook author and Celebrity Chef, her passion with food began at the early age of 4. That's when she would go with ‘nonno’ (grand father) on his early morning Saturday trips to the Italian Market in Philly.  Then, they would pick out all the fresh ingredients for the Sunday family meal. Please visit Maria's website:

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Delicious Living announces Pines won the 2017 Delicious Living Supplement Award for the highest quality, purity, efficacy & innovation of any superfood. Delicious Living Magazine announced that Pines won the 2017 Delicious Living Supplement Award for the highest quality, purity, efficacy & innovation of any superfood.

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